AI for sales: big data and digital salesman with human empathy

Let’s leave it for later, we have enough to do! Let’s provide only the most important and necessary things first! And anyway – it’s not our department’s job! 

Usually, such excuses for the need to conduct thorough and high-quality market research or implement a solution, mean one thing – there is simply no possibility and no desire to do massive and complex, time-consuming work on data processing. And to get important but quickly aging marketing information about competitors or potential and current customers. In today’s business, where competition is becoming a crucial factor for survival, it is unacceptable to miss even such small chances. Read more relevant information about ai for sales in a detailed commentary on this topic by experts from Reply. We will talk about the applications of AI, which are usually not discussed or not talked about much. Although they are in fact extremely promising and can bring a competitive advantage.

Using AI with big data marketing information

This is where artificial intelligence is good. It can easily handle large amounts of information of all kinds and reacts flexibly to the analysis of the data it receives. What to an ordinary computer system would seem like titanic and pointless work, to AI is a normal process of data formation. That is why there is no point in bypassing big data now. On the contrary, by collecting information through processing a large array of primary data, it is possible to obtain a new and previously never-before-formed digital portrait of the consumer with such precision. 

The same technology is excellent for creating a portrait of a potential supplier or business partner in sales. 

Finding and attracting these people is already a task for marketers. And figuring out current trends with minimal lead time in terms of data acquisition and processing is a job for AI.

A digital merchant created with AI

This is a relatively new niche, but already actively developing. Its point is to use algorithms inherent to AI to create a digital cast of a person who effectively sells a product or service. In this way, it is possible to combine what at first glance would seem to be incompatible – human skills and knowledge – with the methodically and equanimity of a machine mind.

Such AI-technologies help create an empathic, direct dialogue with potential customers. And in fact, it helps increase customer engagement, because people are more pleasant to interact with “human-like” digital robots than with purely mechanical request-response robots.

And these are no longer fantasies of storytellers or grotesque movies, but real business concepts.